About Chase Voga

Get to know our exceptional team members!

Chase  Voga

Chase Voga


Get to Know Me

Actual percentages are hard to come by, but it’s safe to say that most Angelenos are transplants. (Because, really, who doesn’t want to move here?) We’re especially fortunate to have several lifelong locals on the LBG team, and Chase is one of them. As a born-and-bred Westsider (Santa Monica, to be precise), Chase knows the lay of the land like he knows the tidal charts for his favorite surf spots, which is to say, very well. After all, if he’s not showing a 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom house in Silicon Beach, you can probably find him in the green room off Will Rogers Or, for that matter, at Bondi or in Bali. “I love to surf, and I love the challenges that come with traveling to far-flung places to do it,” says Chase, who has ridden waves off five different continents. But, of course, only if it’s firing because his first and foremost commitment is to his clients right here at home.
The intricacies and nuances of buying and selling real estate require a strong ability to multitask and extreme attention to myriad details. Who better for that than a one-time middle school athletic director like Chase? Seriously, have you ever gotten a dozen spastic teenagers to all focus on … anything?
So in Chase, we’ve got a super-knowledgeable native Angeleno who loves adventure and solving complex challenges … sounds like a realtor to us.

Work With Us

Whether you’re buying, selling, or both, Laci Buller Group will make it a seamless transaction from start to finish.